Here you will find instruction manuals for Basic, Neo, Clea and Smart Series. For other products and series, please find instructions listed at the bottom of this page.

Neo Compact – panel heater with Wi-Fi

Neo Wi-Fi – timeless, functional design

Neo Wi-Fi Skirting – timeless, functional design

Neo Basic Panel Heater – Digital thermostat


Clea – stylish Wi-Fi glass radiator

Clea Glass skirting heater Wi-Fi




VP12 – panel heater with electronic thermostat
Andre produkter
(Tips: Søk med CTRL + F og tast inn søkeord)
Adax Famn
Adax Iver
Adax Clea
Adax Clea CP_CL
Adax Clea: Adax Multi DTs4: 62196
Adax Neo Basic
Adax Neo s1 240409
Adax Neo s2/s3 62228
Adax Neo2 – 2013 til 2017
Adax Neo2 2013 – 2017
Adax Neo2 2013 – 2017: Installation
Adax Oil-filled heaters
Adax Oil-filled heater APO_ALO
Adax Oil-filled heater NOVAinstrucX3
Adax Pro:
Adax Pro: 62180 ETP EVP 051205
Adax Pro: 62181 AdaxPro DTP_ Uk_07022005
Adax Pro: 62181 DTP_Sv_070205
Adax Pro: 62173_250805
Adax Set Master
Adax Set Master
Adax Set Master: Manual
Adax Set: 121012 Slave Switch
Adax Set Switch_N_S_FI_GB 200612
Adax VG6
Adax VL9/VP9 Multi
Adax VL9_VP9 Multi DTs4: 62196
Adax VL9_VP9 Multi: 62441 Multi 2008
Adax VL9_VP9 Multi: 62445 Basic ET 2006
Adax VL9_VP9 Multi: TX-install N pilot wire
Adax VP9 / VL9 Standard
Adax VP9 Standard: Installation 61310 VP9 VL9 BG 040511
Adax VP9 Standard: 62477 VP9 VL9 050510
Adax BT9 Timer
Adax VP10
Adax VP11
Adax VP11: Manual 62239 – 2021
Adax VP 11: Manual 62230
Adax VP 11: Installation
Adax VP 11: 62231 – 2013
Adax VP 11: 62232 VP11T timer 2012
Adax VPH
Adax VPH: Installation manual 62290 06112012
Adax VPS9
Adax VPS 9: Installation manual 62289 VPS9_08140
Adax VPS10
Adax VPS10 ET ECO manual 62266 – 2021
Adax VPS 10: Installation manual 62258 VPS10 EM_S4_091009
Adax VV – serier
Adax VV13T s2 user instruction 250811
Adax VV21 CA No Sv Fi Uk 0212 2014a
Adax VV31 No UK SV Fi 1906 2011
Adax VV20CDH Keramisk Viftetårn No Sv Fi Uk 1906 2011
Adax VV50 CAT Keramisk Vifteovn NO SV FI UK 230513
Adax Norel LM/PL
Norel LM/PL: Installation manual 62184_PM_LM_NC_140612
Norel LM/PL 24 timer: Installation manual 62183 PM-MT 020505
Norel LM_PM s3: Installation manual 0710 2010